Sunday 6 October 2013

Cafe Phlox: Something different about this businessman-filled coffee shop

Area: 500m SE from Kokusai 国際センター International Centre.  Walk along the street just west of the river.
Restaurant:  Cafe Phlox カフェフロックス

Looking at the cafe's website, I wasn't expecting this to be one of those coffee houses filled with business men looking for a quick lunch where they can smoke.  Having said this, the menu seems slightly different than the usual lunches that those places dish out (often we see chicken kara-age, ginger pork stir fry, hamburger patty, tonkatsu, curry etc).  For example, although they do a hamburger patty, it comes on a simmering hot plate.  They also make dorias and gratins (baked rice and pasta dishes).  On the menu on this day, ingredients such as scallops were featured.

I tried the tuna pasta (800円 including soup, salad and pickled daikon radish).  The lunch also comes with rice, but perhaps coming from a western country, I find eating pasta with a bowl of rice somehow strange, not to mention overfilling.  This dish was a Japanese flavored pasta as you might be able to tell from the heap of seaweed topping. I was pleased with the amount of canned tuna underneath that mountain of seaweed, and overall the soy sauce flavor made for a nice lunch.  I also enjoyed the dressing on the salad (I think it was shiso dressing).  

For 100円 more, I added a coffee to lunch, but it was just reheated coffee, so you can imagine the flavor there.  

I'd like to try the hot plate hamburger patty, since that's what the couple running the place ate for lunch that day!

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